
CCARHT is at the forefront of delivering contextualised, evidence based strategies for organisations, be they local authority, churches, mosques, businesses, leisure and transport providers, retailers and producers, to address Human Trafficking.
CCARHT started its life ten years ago as a small, virtual network of academics, social entrepreneurs, enforcement personnel, Not for Profit organisations and political lobbyists gathered from across Europe. Steadily this has spanned out into the Americas, Oceania, Asia, and Africa, all networked out of our Cambridge Offices, organisations, academics, professionals and politicians who are deeply concerned to see applied research, married with the passion which this arena of human abuse naturally evinces, brought to bear on the complex challenges of Human Trafficking.
Make no mistake, this cluster of abuses, is one of the great human rights violations of our time. It manifests itself in a range of appalling violations of rights, foreclosures of flourishing, trampling of human liberty, rupture of respect, and frequently erupts into explicit violence meted out on the victims, whilst building collusion from all who become knowingly or in ignorance consumers of the products. The international, organised, criminalised wealth built on the back of the human misery which it renders, could dismantle through the corrupted ligaments of states which it fosters, the work of the last century. The patient work of building democratic systems, fostering transparency and accountability, developing increased gender equality and inter-racial respect, and the incremental gains of international co-operation are all jeopardised through not only the deployment of terror organisations and para-statal unaccounted for trafficked ‘goods’, but also through the ‘arbitraged’ systems which Traffickers exploit, enhance, and financially ‘double down’ on.
Human Trafficking is always embodied. The processes of ‘capture’, ‘movement’ and exploitation which it deploys, will require considerable and sustained commitment, political will, resourced and focused attention from state, faith, civil, business, academic, alongside alert, pro-active criminal justice systems to assert and retain the humanity of all captured in its web, and to uphold the standards of respect, decency, and humanity between ourselves as citizens of a rapidly changing globe, in the fourth technological revolution. The whole world is infected with various forms of trafficking abuse and profiteering from intentional human misery. Everyone can play their part in assisting the dismantling of this multifaceted unjust, violent, and exploitative violation, perpetrated by the few on the many, in which billions are by standers, millions consumers of its ‘tainted’ products, and an estimated one in every two hundred persons is exploited in forced labour, modern slavery type conditions. The role that race, religion, regional inequalities in wealth and access to political representation and power, plays in all of this was the stuff of days two and four of our recent CCARHT symposium ‘the Several Rs of Trafficking’ – the papers of which we eagerly await, to shed more light on some of the systemic challenges which are faced by us all, to change the tide of suffering.
CCARHT is currently building a small network of HUBS with regional, national and international experts who seek to understand the national, international and regional aspects of Human Trafficking as it affects their region. Human Trafficking’s reach, pluri-form dimensions, mechanisms of operation, leveraging of market forces, exploitation of pre-existing fractures in socio-economic conditions is vital to understand, as one begins the hard work of mitigation and dismantling the long reach of its tentacles. If you are interested to becoming part of one of these hubs, please be in contact with us at contact@ccarht.org in order to take co-operation further.
As well as examining the various responses of law enforcement agencies and international political and societal responses emerging from the third sector, inter-governmental agencies and the media, in our annual thematic summer Symposia, CCARHT now runs a twice yearly Research Skills day which we would encourage any who are seeking to develop Post Graduate theses, or operate as collaborative researchers in funded projects researching into ‘Modern Day enslavement through exploitation’ to attend.
CCARHT is recognised as a leading ‘UK based Think-Tank’ and resource network for bespoke research and knowledge sharing on all aspects of Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery. Apart from the annual specially themed symposium held in the first week of July each year, in the heart of Cambridge, which assembles a stellar range of applied academics and practitioners to speak to the issues in particular focus, CCARHT has developed a number of other products to assist Universities, Businesses, Local Authorities, Public Agencies, Faith Networks, Embassies, and IGOs to engage with this complex phenomenon which ‘arbitrages’ through anti social intent, the gaps in contemporary public, private, welfare protection and business systems.
To join our network drop us a line at network@CCARHT.org with an outline of your area of interest and capabilities.
CCARHT seeks in all of its research, training, interventions, evaluations and publications to support practical and sustainable responses to the profound Human Rights abuse implicit in this increasingly recognised global crime.
Don’t miss this year’s 8th annual summer symposium, titled “Lands, Widows and Wombs: a Gendered Assets Approach to ‘Enabling Environments’ of Human Trafficking and Exploitation.” Click here to get tickets now.
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Facebook page: Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking
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